Why DO most websites underperform?
Short answer: poor SEO technique and quality of content
What would it mean to you if your website stands above your competition? Sometimes it’s a simple matter of content structure or correct image placement. But many times a website underperforms because it simply isn’t customer-focused.
How’s your website working for you now?
Your website should be fueling your business growth. If your customers can’t find you, they become customers under your competition. If you’re on page three of the list of search engine results, you’re missing out on lots of potential customers and possibly millions of dollars.
It’s a fulltime job keeping the website up to speed. And your IT department might not fully understand everything that it takes to rank at the top of Google such as:
- calculated marketing strategies,
- intuitive word placements,
- and vibrant graphic designs.
A website should be your best salesman that is open for business, always working, while you sleep.
How does this work?
When you contact us, we start with a free preliminary consultation. At our initial review, we begin asking questions from your consumer’s perspective.
I use my own five-point guideline for web content that works, along with a 21-point checklist, to discover areas that are easy to improve.
- Does the customer know what you do?
- Can you solve their problem?
- Are you the best solution?
- Why should they hire/buy from you?
- Does page 5 of your website look and feel like your home page?
That’s a brief sample of our initial audit, but that’s an excellent place to start…for anyone with a business website.
How would a website audit help you?
A problem that our customers face when self-critiquing their website is, they are too close to the situation. Most business owners see their website as perfect. It’s hard for the business owner to see what a customer, or an algorithm, perceives and reads.
With a 21-point checklist (and a few other tools at our disposal), we thoroughly audit your website. We help you figure out:
- What’s not working,
- What IS working,
- And how you can reach top billing on the search engine results page (aka SERP).
We will provide a detailed report of strengths and missed opportunities. We can show you:
- Where you currently rank in search engines,
- And how your competitors compare to your rank.
- What’s missing and can be improved.
- And how to set yourself apart from the rest!
After reviewing the report, it is up to you how you want to proceed with the recommendations we provide. We will offer a customized and strategic plan of copywriting content to improve your results across all the pages of your website or just the most critical sections.
Find out now if a Website Content Audit will make a difference for you!
Contact us today for a free initial consultation.